Get Tradies Insurance on the Central Coast

Tradies Insurance Central Coast


Providing Insurance Options That Protect Tradies

Working as a tradesperson—whether you’re a chippy, builder, plumber or the owner of a trades business—can present unique hazards. Being around power tools, machinery and hazardous chemicals are part and parcel of the job; which is why it’s important to have protection if something should happen.

That’s why at Coast & Country Insurance Consultants, we connect clients with Tradies Insurance. Based in The Entrance, we service throughout the Central Coast and Australia wide. If you’d like to learn more about how we can assist, give us a call today on 02 4334 3622 today.

Business Owner Shaking Hands With Insurance Broker

We Will Help You Find A Suitable Policy For Your Needs

Tradies Insurance is available for PTY LTD companies, sole traders, builders, owner-builders, tradies, sub-contractors and trades business owners. Our dedicated team of brokers & advisors can speak with you to identify what you’d like to be covered for, depending on your line of work in the trades industry. We’ll provide you with professional advice to assist you in finding suitable insurance.

Package A Range Insurance Plans Around Your Needs

Tradies Insurance can be packaged to suit your specific needs, offering flexible cover for your business. Choose multiple levels of cover, including one or more of the following:

Public Liability

This type of insurance policy mitigates the financial risk of third-party injury, death or property damage as a result of your regular business activities. Not having public liability insurance can deter customers from putting trust in your business, especially public tenders and major clients.

Tools Cover

Tools cover is mostly taken out by tradespeople to cover the cost of replacing work tools if they are stolen or damaged. This is an essential form of insurance that means tradies are less likely to be negatively impacted if their vital equipment cannot be used, with access to the funds to replace them and get back to work.

Commercial Motor

Provides cover for the motoring assets of your business. Commercial motor insurance provides cover for any auto-related assets of your business, whether that's heavy vehicles or staff cars. Ensuring vehicles are insured is a legal requirement and there are many types available.

Income Protection

The type of policy is used to cover loss of income for a period of time in the event of sickness or injury. This type of policy is used to cover loss of income for a period of time in the event of sickness or injury. This is often most suitable for the self-employed or those who own a small business because they are relied upon to make a profit. This is also true if you have dependents or significant debt commitments.

Life Insurance

Life insurance policies can provide a lump-sum payout to beneficiaries if you pass away. This can be used for estate planning to cover family costs or to secure business debt so that business partners are protected from covering your portion of it when you die.

Plant & Equipment

Plant & equipment insurance provides cover for the financial risk associated with equipment break-down, damage and theft. Without this cover in place, your business could suffer from significant downtime, which could cost you even more financially. Policies can cover all types of equipment for use in any industry.

Tradies Insurance Central Coast & Australia Wide
Team Of Construction Worker In Safety Standard Uniform

We Can Find Cover For A Range Of Trades

Here at Coast & Country Insurance Consultants, we can help find suitable insurance cover for any trade. This includes:

  • Electricity
  • Plumbing
  • Carpentering
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Farming and agriculture
  • Food processing
  • Construction
  • Excavation and earthmoving
  • Fishing and marine
  • Brewing and distilling

Why Is Public And Product Liability Insurance Important For Tradies?

Both Public Liability Insurance and Product Liability Insurance are important for providing cover to tradies should something go wrong on the job. Public Liability Insurance mitigates the financial risk of third-party damage or injury happening while tradies are out on the job. On the other hand, Product Liability Insurance mitigates the risk of third-party injury or damage occurring as a result of the products that a tradie manufactures or supplies.

They are similar and are often included in the same insurance policy, but not always. Tradies should ensure they have both in place to protect them from any potential problems that may arise.

Public Liability Insurance Application Form
Liability Insurance Policy In The Hands Of Manager

How Much Will I Need To Pay For Tradies Insurance?

Level Of Cover

The cost of tradie insurance depends on how comprehensive the cover is. Working with us ensures that you are opting for the insurance policy that covers everything you need it to at the best price, rather than simply opting for the cheapest option and running into trouble later when you realise it doesn’t cover a certain circumstance.


The cost of insurance premiums greatly increases if you are working in a very high-risk environment or major public space. This is because there is a much higher chance of the insurance company having to pay out to someone working on a construction site, for example, than someone working in a food processing plant (despite the fact that there are still risks involved in this).

Size Of Business

If you have a large business that needs complete coverage, you can expect to pay a higher insurance premium to make up for the size. Self-employed tradies insurance is generally low, although this still depends on the aforementioned factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the policy you take out, typically your employees will be covered for certain events under Tradies Insurance. However, Tradies Insurance is different to a work cover policy which can cover employees when they are injured at work—it’s important to bear this in mind!

Typically when you take out Tradies Insurance policies, you’ll need to advise your insurer of your occupation, usual work activities and more in-depth information. This will enable them to assess your risk level and price the policy accordingly. Any work activities that are not disclosed to the insurer, usually won’t be covered under their policy.

There are significant differences between Public Liability and Products Liability Insurance. Public Liability Insurance typically provides cover for injury or property damage whilst you’re on the job. On the other hand, Products Liability Insurance provides cover against injury and damage caused as a result of the products you supply.

Typically the level of Public Liability Insurance you require will be dictated by the type of projects you are working on. When tendering for contracts, the issuer will often stipulate the minimum level required for the project. For construction projects the level of cover required can often be anywhere from $5m-$30m.

02 4334 3622